
Hvorfor er en 400 kilos tung stein så innmari viktig for skottene? Her får du et pedagogisk opplegg på engelsk som kan passe til engelsk for både ungdomstrinnet og videregående skole.

About the film

“It was only a rock, a big lump of sandstone, you might pass right by it, but to us, it was symbol of our freedom, of our independence. “ - Ian Hamilton

Stone of Destiny retells the true story about the dedicated Ian Hamilton and his group of fellow Scottish students who tried to pull off what some would say is the ultimate heist. Others would say it is one of the bravest gestures towards Scottish independence.

Christmas Eve 1950 Hamilton and his accomplices try to remove the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey for return to its country of origin, Scotland. The Stone of Destiny is by many also called the Stone of Scone or the Coronation Stone as referred to in England.

This lighthearted adventure film is based on Ian Hamiltons own memoirs, and Ian Hamilton himself actually plays a little role in the film as the grumpy old man passing two of the students in a carpark (around 36 minutes into the film). Though some of the events have been altered for dramatic effect, most of what we see has apparently happened in real life.


Nationalism has been a major political force in Scotland. There has been many serious debates about Scottish independence throughout the years. But in 2014, the referendum on Scottish independence showed that the majority of the scots actually voted to remain in the UK (55,3%).

In 2016 though, the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) got wind in their sails again as the UK chose to leave the EU in a new referendum, often referred to as Brexit. This has again boosted the fight for Scottish independence. In Scotland, the majority of the people (62 percent) voted a clear yes to remain in the European Union. Therefore many scots feel pressured by the english to leave a union that they want to be in. 

This film can in many ways highlight some of the issues that have been, and that are still faced between the two british nations today.


Oppgaver i engelsk

The Stone of Destiny

  • Why is this stone so important to the Scots?
  • Why was it important for the English to keep the stone in England until 1996?

The heist

  • A heist like this could hardly have been successful today. Why is this? Compare difficulties and challenges Ian Hamilton and the rest of the students faced back then?
  • Why do you think Hamilton and his accomplices were charged, but never prosecuted in the case?

Friendly banter or offensive talk?

  • In the film a guide in the Westminster Abbey tells a joke about the placing of the stone in a wooden chair: “Notice how the stone is incorporated into the shelf beneath the seat. That so when a King of England sits to be crowned he sits over the Stone of Destiny which makes him by Scotlands own traditions King of Scotland as well. All without having to get his royal trousers dirty!” What does this quote imply?
  • One is told never to ask a Scot whether he or she is English. Why is that? Is this only friendly banter or is there something to it?
  • Discuss what jokes and this kind of language can lead to? Is it offensive or should you just simply tolerate it?


  • Get together in groups and discuss or write down what the stereotypes assosiated with the Scottish, the English, the Welsh or the Northern Irish people are?
  • What are their differences and similarities?
  • Discuss or write down whether the relationship between Britain's nations is better or worse after Brexit?


Læreplan i engelsk - etter 10.årstrinn

Muntlig kommunikasjon - Mål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne

  • vise evne til å skille mellom positivt og negativt ladede uttrykk som refererer til enkeltindivider og grupper av mennesker
  • forstå hovedinnhold og detaljer i ulike typer muntlige tekster om forskjellige emner
  • lytte til og forstå varianter av engelsk fra forskjellige autentiske situasjoner
  • uttrykke og begrunne egen mening om forskjellige emner

Kultur, samfunn og litteratur - Mål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne

  • drøfte levesett og omgangsformer i Storbritannia, USA, andre engelskspråklige land og Norge
  • gjøre rede for trekk ved historie og geografi i Storbritannia og USA
  • lage, formidle og samtale om egne tekster inspirert av engelskspråklig litteratur, film og kulturelle uttrykksformer

Læreplan i engelsk - etter Vg1 studieforberedende - og Vg2 yrkesfaglige utdanningsprogram

Muntlig kommunikasjon - mål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne

  • lytte til og forstå sosiale og geografiske varianter av engelsk fra autentiske situasjoner
  • uttrykke seg på en nyansert og presis måte med god flyt og sammenheng, tilpasset formål og situasjon
  • innlede, holde i gang og avslutte samtaler og diskusjoner om allmenne emner og faglige emner knyttet til eget utdanningsprogram

Kultur, samfunn og litteratur - mål for opplæringen er at elever skal kunne

  • drøfte kultur og samfunnsforhold i flere engelskspråklige land
  • presentere og diskutere aktuelle nyheter fra engelskspråklige kilder
  • drøfte engelskspråklige filmer og andre kulturuttrykk fra forskjellige medier